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Showing posts from November, 2011

Measat 3A-Satellite Frequency Free TV Channels

The satellite tv frequencies on Measat 3A at 91.4°E - Malaysia C-Band  Channel Name   :  UNTV Frequency          :  3705 Polarity              :  H S / R - FEC         :  4288 - 3/4 Sys Encryption   :  DVB-S / FTA Channel Name   :  Kalaignar TV Asia Frequency          :  4000 Polarity              :  H S / R - FEC         :  3000 - 5/6 Sys Encryption   :  DVB-S / FTA / MPEG-4 Channel Name   :  RRsat promo Frequency          :  4040 Polarity              :  H ...

Telkom 1 FTA TV Channels Frequency List

FTA Channels TV Frequency List on Satellite Tekom 1 , Position at 108.0°E List of TV channels for free on Telkom 1 Satellite , new frequency that you can use for TV channels on digital satellite receivers in your house to watch your favorite television broadcasts . C-Band Channel Name   :   TV Anak Space Toon Frequency / tp   :  3732 - 1 Polarity              :  H S / R - FEC         :  2900 - 3/4 Sys Encryption   :  DVB-S / FTA Channel Name   :  TVTL Frequency / tp   :  3776 - 2 Polarity              :  H S / R - FEC         :  4285 - 3/4 Sys Encryption   :  DVB-S / FTA Channel Name   :  TV Edukasi 1 Frequency / tp...