Lots of free TV channels FTA you can watch on Intelsat 10 - satellite position located at 68.5°E. Here's a list of new update frequencies that you can see in Intelsat 10 :
Frequency : 12602
Polarity - tp : V - EF21K
S / R - FEC : 27500 - 3/4
Sys Encryp : DVB-S/FTA
Channels Name: Al Malakoot Sat, CYC, CTV, Alkarma TV Middle East & Australia, Ifilm English, TBN Europe, The Healing Channel, Aghapy TV, Press TV, EWTN Africa & Asia, Al Kalema TV, ViewSat, Logos TVFrequency : 12602
Polarity - tp : V - EF21K
S / R - FEC : 27500 - 3/4
Sys Encryp : DVB-S/FTA